About the Troupe

The love of Yemenite dance and folklore has been transferred from parents to their children.
In the 1960's there had already existed a folklore group at Moshav Amka, which performed throughout Israel in holidays, events, conventions etc. The Yemenite Troupe had started to get organized in the early 1970's with the sole purpose of renewing the rich cultural and traditional customs of their ancient Yemenite heritage.
After a few years of inactivity, the Mate Asher Regional Council initiated a
project to revive the dance troupe.
It was felt that the preservation of traditional Yemenite ethnic culture was
an essential element needed to be perpetuated throughout Israel's many faceted society.
The Amka Yemenite Dance Troupe is working today within the framework of
Mate Asher Regional Council, which located in the West Galilee.
There are about 70 dancers in the troupe ranging between 20 to 60 years old.
Most of them live in Moshav Amka, Oshrat or Ahihud. There is also a troupe for youth
and children.
The troupe rehearses at Moshav Amka once a week.